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Brand Protection

What is Brand Protection?

Brand protection is the process of safeguarding a company's and its associated brands' intellectual property (IP) against counterfeiters, copyright pirates, and infringers of other types of IP, such as patents, design rights, color marks, and trade dress. This is done not only to protect a company's revenue loss, but also to protect a company's image, reputation, and overall value of the organization.

Intelaw Consulting

Services Offered

Illicit & gray market investigation
Field Intelligence
Due Diligence
Mystery Shopping
Raid & Enforcement Action Coordination
How does Intelaw protect your brand?

We provide preventive and investigative services to assist our clients in protecting their brands from fraud or theft, counterfeiting and infringement (of intellectual property, patents, and copyright), and other associated risks. We can identify vulnerabilities, develop early warning systems, and design and implement compliance training programs by proactively evaluating our clients' manufacturing to retail supply chain, including third-party providers.

What are the components of an Anticounterfeit & IP/Trademark investigation?